Overview of this course and Learning Guide

Congratulations on signing up for this course and welcome!

Placemaking is important for local governments because it:

  • Provides a practical, cost-effective and implementable approach that can be tailored for each context and community. And it's not just a city thing! It can be done in regional areas as well
  • Can help to address some of the worrying trends shown in the graph below
  • Connects and builds on the expertise of a range of disciplines and teams within local government, including, but not limited to: economic development, community development, urban planning, arts and culture, youth, engineering and infrastructure and events and activations.
  • It starts to shift mindsets, both within the organisation and in the community
  • Helps to improve collaboration across the organisation and with / within the community

What will it help you with?

This course will enable you to:

  • Understand and use placemaking to add value to any program or service
  • Turn challenges into opportunities
  • Do less and achieve better outcomes
  • See that all staff can contribute. It can't just be one person or team's responsibility
  • Reduce strategic and project risks

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Confidently lead a placemaking project
  • Use the permissions-based approach
  • Reduce the likelihood of serious community opposition
  • Create amazing results, even with a small budget

We'll learn from the experience and examples of local governments from around the world.

We have specially tailored this course for local government staff and Elected Members.

The curator of this course, Dean Cracknell, worked in two local governments for 12 years, and has professionally consulted to local governments for 6 years. He has also engaged with local governments as a community volunteer for 10 years.

Other course contributors have decades of experience in working in and with local governments and include:

  • David Engwicht - Creative Communities International
  • Joanne Taylor - Formerly Place Leaders Asia Pacific and now WSP
  • Brooke Williams - Fourfold Studio
  • Gilbert Rochecouste - Village Well
  • Mike Fisher - Christchurch NZ
  • David Snyder - Formerly Town Team Movement and now at Town of Port Hedland

The Course Guide is available below. We hope you enjoy it!

Placemaking - making it happen in local governments - Course Guide.pdf

Get your personal Certificate of Completion

People who complete this course will receive a personalised Certificate of Completion, endorsed by Town Team Movement and PlacemakingX, to recognise your knowledge.

Remember to press the “Complete and Continue” button in the top right-hand corner after you have finished each lesson and task, including the final "Download your Certificate of Completion" section.

Once you press the “Complete and Continue” button in the final section, you will be issued with your own personalised Certificate of Completion.

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