Overview of this course

Congratulations on signing up for this course and welcome!

This a concise course for professionals, packed with all the essential information and advice on place-based projects and place improvement activities. It aims to help you to:

  1. Realise the benefits of collaborative, iterative, place-based approaches
  2. See the opportunities for placemaking in a range of contexts
  3. Set up a project for success
  4. Save time and reduce the risks

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Communicate the opportunities and benefits of a placemaking process
  2. Properly engage external stakeholders and the community
  3. Confidently lead a placemaking project

The role of place professionals is to help the place to flourish and enable the local businesses, residents, community groups and visitors to play important roles in this process.

Get your personal Certificate of Completion

People who complete this course will receive a personalised Certificate of Completion, endorsed by Town Team Movement and PlacemakingX, to recognise your knowledge.

Remember to press the “Complete and Continue” button in the top right-hand corner after you have finished each lesson and task, including the final “Download your Certificate of Completion” section.

Once you press the “Complete and Continue” button in the final section, you will be issued with your own personalised Certificate of Completion.

Acknowledgement of the Placemaking Pioneers

Town Team Movement acknowledges the work, ideas and inspiration of the founders of the placemaking movement and the early pioneers. This course and our approach at Town Team Movement have been particularly influenced by:

Thank you!

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