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Creating Great Places: making it happen in local governments
Module 1: Why are place-based approaches important for local governments?
Overview of this course and Learning Guide
Module 1 - Aims
1 - What is placemaking? Place-based approaches explained
2 - Why are place-based approaches important for local governments?
3 - The placemaking mindset
Acknowledgements and Additional Reading
Module 2 - Key concepts, engaging the community and setting up a placemaking process
Module 2 - Aims
4 - Key placemaking concepts and important skills to use
Task to compare two places
5 - Engaging the community and the Placemaking Participation Spectrum
6 - Setting up and managing a placemaking process
Module 3 - Implementation and making it happen!
Module 3 - Aims
7 - Placemaking on a small budget
8 - 11 common placemaking mistakes to avoid
9 - Tips for making it happen
Task - complete a placemaking action within 7 days
Continuing the placemaking journey and receiving your Certificate of Completion
Download your Certificate of Completion
1 - What is placemaking? Place-based approaches explained
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