Creating Great Places

Recommendations for successful placemaking in local governments

Learn at your own pace, when you have time!

This self-paced online course will provide you with information, tools and tips for successful place-based approaches in a local government context. It is inspiring and practical training that you can fit around your busy schedule.

Graphic showing the benefits of collaborative place-based approaches for local governments

Why do this online course?

We build on decades of experience of working in and with local governments to address two key challenges:

1 - How can your internal departments and services work more effectively together?

2 - How can you engage and better work with local residents, businesses and community groups to create better places and stronger communities?

Who is it designed for?

Whilst it is primarily written for an Australian context, it may be relevant for local governments around the world. It does not cover legislative and regulatory requirements in any detail.

It provides principles, ideas and approaches for making it happen in any country, plus practical, street-level secrets from placemakers with decades of experience.

What will it help you with?

This course will enable you to:

  • Understand and use placemaking to add value to any program or service
  • Turn challenges into opportunities
  • Do less and achieve better outcomes
  • See that all staff can contribute. It can't just be one person or team's responsibility
  • Reduce strategic and project risks

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Confidently lead a placemaking project
  • Use the permissions-based approach
  • Reduce the likelihood of serious community opposition
  • Create amazing results, even with a small budget

We'll learn from the experience and examples of local governments from around the world.

Price to complete the course in Australian dollars

What you can learn

Key concepts

What placemaking is and is not

Why placemaking is so important for local governments

How placemaking builds social capital, activates town centres and stimulates economic development

How to engage stakeholders and the local community

Practical implementation tips

How to get wins with a small budget

Common challenges and how you might solve them

How to set up and manage a placemaking process

The skills to help you be successful

Real examples and inspiring ideas 

Learn from some of the

best placemakers

This course features ideas and insights from some of the leaders of the placemaking movement in Australasia:

David Engwicht - Creative Communities International

  • Lucinda Hartley - Neighbourlytics

Joanne Taylor - WSP

Brooke Williams - Fourfold Studio

  • Gilbert Rochecouste - Village Well

Mike Fisher - Activation Manager

Dean Cracknell at Town Team Movement

They collectively have decades of experiences in placemaking and working with local governments to achieve results.

Plus a welcome from Ethan Kent, Executive Director at PlacemakingX.

Satisfaction guaranteed!

We think that you will enjoy and benefit from completing this course.

If you are not satisfied with it within 30 days from date of purchase, we will refund the purchase price.

"This course did well in emphasising a permissions based, people led approach. That's where I think I got the most benefit from the course."

Price to complete the course in Australian dollars

Get the price in your currency

The price for this course is listed in Australian dollars. You can convert the price into your currency by using the currency converter tool below.

Purchase courses for multiple students in one transaction

If you would prefer to purchase access for multiple students in one transaction and/or pay via tax invoice, please email your request to [email protected] and we can arrange it.

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