This is the place to learn about placemaking.
Discover how to get better results by thinking differently and using tried and tested approaches.
Placemaking.Education collects and curates the most important placemaking concepts, tips and lessons learned into one place to make it easier and faster for you to learn. We provide inspiring and practical self-paced online learning that you can fit around your busy schedule. Learn at your own pace, when you want, where you want.
"Placemaking is like turning a house into a home."
Placemaker leader, David Engwicht
Placemaking is a philosophy and an iterative, collaborative process for creating public spaces that people love and feel connected to.
Placemaking is a mindset, an attitude that brings people together to create positive changes in a place or area. It aims to improve not only the physical elements of a space, but also the way people think about and connect with the world around them.
Creating Great Places in 12 Minutes
This FREE and FAST course provides a very quick introduction to placemaking in just 12 minutes! It aims to provide you with:
- A better understanding of what placemaking is and is not
- Some ideas on the personal benefits of placemaking
- A few examples to show you what it can look like
We have created this course to be accessible to anyone, including professionals, local businesses and people who want to improve their community.
How we can help
We are passionate about creating better social, economic, health, governance, urban and environmental outcomes. Our online courses, products and free resources can help you to -
Tips, tactics and tools
We hone in what placemaking is, why it is important and how to make it happen. Years of learning and mistakes can be avoided by learning from us.
Online courses
Our online courses introduce and provide much deeper knowledge on the what, why, who and how of placemaking and creating stronger communities.
Learn from others
Our resources and courses build on the hard-won experience of knowledge of placemakers with decades or experience, plus the global placemaking movement.
We're for people and places!
Placemaking.Education is a collaboration between Town Team Movement and PlacemakingX.
We are both non-profit social enterprises. All funds raised via the Placemaking.Education platform go back into delivering our visions and purposes. Help us to promote the placemaking movement.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please email [email protected].