Free placemaking resources

These resources provide fantastic insights into the principles and practice of placemaking.

They mostly come from external organisations. We acknowledge and thank those organisations for their knowledge and efforts to advance the placemaking movement!

The Place Man Documentary

The Place Man (2024) is a documentary produced and directed by Guillermo Bernal that explores the roots of the placemaking movement through the life of Fred Kent, who has devoted his life to creating public spaces for people.

The film follows Fred's journey with the Project for Public Spaces he founded in 1975. The organization studies people's behavior in public spaces and recommends creating more engaging, lively places. Fred's philosophy is simple: public spaces should be designed for people, open, inclusive, and full of life. Watch the movie via Youtube.

Project for Public Spaces Placemaking Booklet

This booklet provides an excellent summary of some key placemaking concepts.

Source: Project for Public Spaces

Download by clicking here.

Great Public Spaces Guide

The Great Public Spaces Toolkit helps bring the principles of the draft NSW Public Spaces Charter to life through a collection of free resources to support local government, state agencies, industry and the community.

Source: New South Wales Government

Download by clicking here.

20 Quick Placemaking Wins

This guide provides ideas and simple instructions for 20 Quick Wins that residents or businesses can lead to improve their local area and connect their community. It's been done by others, you can do it too!

Source: Town Team Movement

Download by clicking here.

Good for Busine$$

The Heart Foundation's excellent Good for Busine$$ report provides some powerful research and key messages for creating better places for people.

Source: The Heart Foundation

Download by clicking here.

The Pop-Up Placemaking Toolkit

AARP Livable Communities and Team Better Block have partnered on numerous demonstration projects in support of communities that want to become more livable and age-friendly.

This tool kit stems from Team Better Block’s on-the-ground experience and lessons learned.

Source: AARP and Team Better Block

Download by clicking here.

Village Well Placemaking Resources

Village Well has produced fantastic resources - The New Local Place Activation Toolkit and the The Main Street Guide.

They provides examples and case studies of how to make it happen!

Source: Village Well

Download by clicking here.